Working Groups

We recently underwent a transition period as we determined a new organizing structure and name for our collective, and so many of our working groups are in flux. (Learn more about this process on our Transitions page.) In the meantime, here are working groups that are meeting as of September 2024:

  • Penpals Backend Working Group – focused on helping with logistics related to new penpal orientations, penpal matching, and database management. This group generally meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM CST, though the date and time may vary. See our calendar for up-to-date meeting info, and reach out to us over email or on Slack if you would like to connect.
  • Care Team – focused on helping provide supportive spaces for outside penpals in our community. This group is active and hosts a monthly meeting, usually on Mondays — connect with us on Slack to learn the details.
  • Book Club meets to discuss a variety of books through an abolition focused-lens. Join our Slack group to learn more.

We also have quarterly All-Hands meetings, times to be announced.

You can find upcoming meeting times on our Calendar, by joining our community on Slack, or by emailing us at There are also a few regional groups that still meet.